Its 11:32 am. Blank got nothing
Its 12:00 pm and I have to write a blog explaining on my experience has been at dream army camp. Really can’t put it into words right now. Mind is at a total blank. I am lost, unaware of my surroundings, unaware of what it is that I am doing. Unaware how insane it is to sleep on the sidewalk in the corner of a major cross-section. Unaware what drove us to act in this manner? Unaware that I am outside of John McCain’s office, and what it means to be here. What the consequences of my action could be. I am lost, will be lost for a very long time. I know this. Is the passage of the DREAM Act assured, up in the air, or is it just a dream?
Its 2pm and nothing pops into my tiny little head, no original thought, nothing worthwhile. No true emotion desperately wanting to be freed. All its garbage, it has been all along, garbage.
4pm arrives as fast as 2pm, following 3pm with no regard for human complain. I am getting old, I am getting sicker, I am tired, time could care less, in fact by its nature its doesn’t care. I am hungry and stunned; so many people show their support for us. Amaze that we, young adults lost in the chaos of immigration reform, entrenched in the dirt, might actually contribute significantly to the cause. So, we are not alone in Arizona, if we are not, why does it fell that we are? Just thoughts, everything is just a thought I believe. Do I believe or is it certitude? I will leave for later.
6pm DRILL, maybe DRILL. DREAM ARMY drill.
8pm had a good talk with a friend regarding school, comics, and life in general.
10:30 pm picked up 15ft American flag from a friend of my friend. Weird how these terms are used. Better not lose it.
11:15pm time to unwind
Today I awoke tired, hungry, and bewilder. Took a step back and asked myself, “What I am doing? It wasn’t what am I doing today, more like what am I doing with my life. Am I losing perspective of the important things, or gaining new understanding of what truly matters? Simple question, yet difficult to answer. First thought that popped into my head was to head to DREAM Army camp, show my support and commitment to the cause. Second thought was to go with the phone banking team headquarters.
This word “DREAM” it has a new significance to a mere state of being. It has transcended grammar, as well as, politics to become an idea. This is what I know about an idea; an idea can not be trapped, it can not be measured, an idea moves worlds, an idea can save man. The DREAM Act has become an idea, and we dreamers are a concept. We refer to ourselves as dreamers, not only for our legal status, but our moral condition to fight for justice. The DREAM Act is more than a piece of legislation, more than a document, its more than me; it’s the hope of a nation. Yes, you might think I am over exaggerating right now, but take a step back.
The DREAM Act goes beyond race, genre, ethnicity, religion, or politics. A person can be undocumented with a college degree, but still not a dreamer. While, a person might be 100% pure blooded American, yet that person is a dreamer. We have 800,000 (according to my sources) eligible DREAM Act candidates, yet as a group we made just a little over 15,000 calls to senators asking for their support on Friday. A large portion of these calls came from citizens, or residents, leads me to a point where are all these so called “dreamers”.
Time is of the essence, not only to legalize the dream generation but to change the course of the nation. The United States of America no longer produce the most copper in the western hemisphere Chile does, the richest man is not American, but Mexican, and Canada and Venezuela produce more oil than us. Times are changing, no longer can the ideas of the past prevail, they are becoming obsolete, new minds are needed to fill the gap, to solve problems. It is on our shoulders, “if we choose to accept, the course of our nation that is.”
We say I want to contribute, pursue journalism, become a doctor, but which among us (dreamers) have the desire to save this world. The world is in trouble, the most it has seen. We youth tend to ignore the problems of the world, become close minded in our little facebook chats, little get together, little socials, little vacations. Vacations from what, work, family, school, our lives? Isn’t that what we fought for so long to have lives, to have a job, to have a family? Now we don’t want it. Thousands of human beings will die today from hunger, disease, torture, war, lack of access to clean water. While we complain about traffic, how hot it is in Arizona, about the rising prices of oil. It’s sad and pathetic, but what can we do we are simple mortals with insignificant lives.
Who among us, cares about humanity, beyond all its superficialities, above all its corruption, deceit, and savagery. Who among us would dedicate (I don’t believe in sacrifice) his/her life to save something which has no desire to save itself. The ozone layer is vanishing with every piece of coal that China, and India burn, with every mile our vehicles our cars make, with every kilowatt hour produce by a power plant. We are polluting our oceans; many regions of the world suffer from perpetual water shortages. We are killing ourselves over oil, race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, ignorance and even borders. Borders which only protect us from external dangers, thus, leaving us wide open to the internal. Which are worse? We are blinded by our desire to feel safe. We don’t acknowledge the fact that we are afraid of tomorrow. We live with no regard of the future; we loot of our neighbors, brothers, and strangers.
We are parasites, living off the Earth, yet we think we are entitled. Entitle to what I say? Entitle to an education? Entitle to a car? Entitle to our own room? The only thing we are entitling to as rational human beings is our freedom, our right to pursue that which is most important to us. Everything else needs to be earned.
I know of one person who believes in the Dreamers. He inspires me to be greater than what I could ever conceive of being possible. He is humble, yet confident. He cares about human beings, really cares. He symbolizes this quote I once heard “Even though I disagree with your opinion I would fight for your right to have it.” In retrospect what type of person would I be if I didn’t pay tribute. What human being would I be if I were to quit. I wouldn’t be a dreamer, that’s the type of person I would be. 11:59 pm
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