Is serving one’s country is honorable? The answer is an emphatic yes, it not only of merit value. Then why does the pentagon release reports saying that it needs more recruits, "If we needed to expand the pool of eligible youth, the dream initiative would be one of several ways to do it," spokeswoman Eileen Lainez said in an e-mail.. Why does the military service have a bad connotation in the mainstream media? Personally, I believe serving one’s country is a responsibility and a duty. Here in the United States I am free and that freedom has a price; I am more than willing to repay that debt. I know full well war has casualties and I may, suffer physically, emotionally, psychologically, and even die; but hey life is tough all around, “It rains of the just and the unjust alike.”
That’s the reason for ADAC’s (Arizona Dream Act Coalition) efforts to communicate with the Republican party lately. It goes beyond the need for Congressional votes, we are all Americans, we are all human, and we all believe in the American Values. WE believe man is born free with inalienable rights, life, liberty and the ability to pursuit happiness. Reconsider the phrase the “pursuit of HAPPINESS,” by impeding a person right to pursuit one’s goals and desires you are taking away the basic human rights guaranteed by the Declaration of Independence.
How can a moral, just, and rational person say that dreamers don’t deserve a right to prove their worth. By worth I mean our right to be legal Americans. The DREAM Act has two paths education and military service, both are noble and consider by the American public; yet the DREAM Act fails time and time again. Why? I don’t know, I don’t wish to endeavor in the past, I believe we must provide solutions to problems, instead of rekindling old passions.
In a FIRSTFOCUS report 60% of likely republican voters for the 2010 midterms support the DREAM Act, while in a Rasmussen Poll it states that 78% of Americans support undocumented students legalizing through military service. Therefore, if a country is ever to reach greatness the will of the people must be met on continuous basis, as a result if the requirement for me to consider a United States citizen is to serve in our armed forces, I take the challenge with honor, dignity, respect, and above all else willing. What type of person would be if I were to defer.
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